Imprisoned for a felony charge. -Not Guilty.
Family & Friends are asked to show up at the court house August 18th for sentencing.
Family & Friends find out Dustin had committed suicide in his county jail cell just before midnight on August 14th. Pronounced dead at hospital at around 1am on August 15th.
Family and friends did show up for support on August 18th. But instead of his sentencing (anywhere from 6 months to 5 years...) we were mourning the death of a son, a grandson, a brother, an uncle and a friend.
The 1 year mark. RIP Dusty David.
2 years without you. We love and miss you.
3 entire years. Seems so unreal. Like yesterday we used to lay in the yard together and talk. Or hang out in the living room and watch TV. Or on a hot summer day us kids would play in the pool in the backyard until we got hungry or too pruney.
You were the greatest brother. Someone to look up to, good or bad. We love you.